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RHCSA Study Sessions -III

user accounts management via LDAP
like we can get account info from remote server on which accounts are configured
ldaps://<ip of our ldap server>

Basic file permissions:
Owner, Group, Others
umask , default file permissions

One very handy command is lsattr. List attribute command, list the immune bit attirbutes ( like a file is immune to deletion etc)

[root@localhost src]# lsattr
----i--------e- ./index.html
-------------e- ./asterisk-1.8-current.tar.gz.1
-------------e- ./jitsi-2.4-latest.x86_64.rpm
-------------e- ./asterisk-1.8-current.tar.gz
-------------e- ./sipp-3.3
-------------e- ./debug
-------------e- ./sipp_packages
-------------e- ./sipp-3.2-Linux_RHEL5U2.tar.gz
-------------e- ./asterisk-
-------------e- ./kernels
-------------e- ./sipp-3.3.tar.gz

here all files are prone to delete in my current src directory.

chattr command is used to apply or remove the immunity bit. by using chattr + <file-name or path>  : Attribute is applied
chattr - <file-name or path>  : Attribute is removed

its quite helpful, if we want to protect some file from accidental deletion or for high protection.

Directory setup for group collaboration.
mkdir /home/research

sgid bit - set group id bit , is for the setting of a directory for a group, to be used by that group
ugid bit

Some command history , as its helpful to view what commands i have applied :)

 592  chown shah:research /tmp/research/
  593  ls
  594  ls -l
  595  ls -ld
  596  ls -ld research
  597  ls -ld /home/
  598  # sgid
  599  ls -l resear*
  600  ls -ld resear*
  601  chmod 2070 research/
  602  ls -ld resear*
  603  groups
  604  cd /home/
  605  ls
  606  su shah-re
  607  history