Saturday, June 1, 2013

CCNA Advance- STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) : Part 2

STP- Enhancements


As for now we are well equipped with STP, now we turn to STP optimization techniques. STP optimization is necessary for fast convergence times in the network, as the standard 4 step convergence of STP can cause a lot of havoc in the real time network. In this article we would like to discuss STP: Port fast, Uplink fast, and Backbone fast.

When a switch powers up or when some device is connected to a switch, STP immediately comes into action. In the initial phase the port enters into a spanning tree listening state. Listening state is just like a network topology exploration, this state lasts for a certain time, and then the port transitioned into a learning state. After an STP forward timer threshold the port state changes into either blocking mode or forwarding mode. In a real time network, most of the time we can’t afford the switch port to transition through all these 4 stages. We want the port to immediately shift into a forwarding state, once a network is alive, to avoid un-necessary packet delays in the network.  For this purpose we use an STP PortFast feature. Once PortFast is enabled on a switch/trunk port, the port skips the listening and learning phases and immediately shifts into the forwarding state. So one important point we need to remember is:

Only enable PortFast on End Stations, because it can create network loops if used carelessly (as it turns the port into a forwarding state immediately)!

So it was easy? Yes it was, now we move towards a new strange concept UpLink Fast.


By using UpLink fast on a port, fast convergence is achieved via creating UpLink Groups. Once a topology change occurs, convergence is achieved using these UpLink groups, which activate the redundant links (ports) instantly. This redundancy is achieved without hassle of passing the redundant link through all STP transition phases (i.e. listening, learning), within 1-5 seconds:  redundant link (port) is in forwarding state. An UpLink group consists of the root port and set of blocked ports. This UpLink group consists of alternate path if the active root port fails. Some of the worth remembering points regarding UpLink fast are:

  • It cannot be configured on a root switch.
  • When UF is enabled, it’s enabled globally and for all VLANs residing on the switch.
  • The designated port (root port) will retain its status once it detects that the failed link has been restored and fully operational.
  • The wait interval for the port to become root port again is determined by: (2 x FwdDelay) + 5 seconds.
  • UF will take immediate action to prevent the switch (on which UF is enabled) from becoming the root switch by: changing the switch priority to 49,152, making it the last option in a network topology for becoming a root switch. The STP port cost is increased up to 3000 making it least feasible part for any switch to use it to reach the root switch. 

I think that much theory is enough, now we will do some configurations to solidify our concepts. For our example scenario we are using GNS3 and emulating C2961 router as a switch because packet tracer is not giving us much options to implement advance STP.

For complete article, please download it from below mentioned link and Enjoy: